Cracking the Case: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Sargeant’s Arm Pain and Williams Seat Position

Cracking the Case: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Sargeant’s Arm Pain and Williams Seat Position

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Williams will investigate Logan Sargeant’s seating position after he suffered arm pain during the F1 Sao Paulo Grand Prix.

American F1 rookie Logan Sargeant finished 11th at Interlagos, just missing out on points. After the race, he complained about discomfort in his left arm. Williams team principal James Vowles confirmed that they are working on resolving this issue by adjusting Sargeant’s seating position in the car. They will spend time with him in a mock-up car to ensure the belts align correctly and prevent future pain. Sargeant is preparing for his third home race, the Las Vegas Grand Prix, and is already doing media appearances and simulator work. He is excited to race in Vegas, as he has fond memories of karting there as a child.

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