Brundle ‘surprised and disappointed’ by Wolff and Hamilton

Brundle ‘surprised and disappointed’ by Wolff and Hamilton

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Brundle ‘surprised and disappointed’ by Wolff and Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff downplayed Max Verstappen’s record-breaking win at the Italian Grand Prix, dismissing it as “irrelevant” and “for Wikipedia”. However, former driver-turned-pundit Martin Brundle expressed admiration for Verstappen’s achievement, highlighting his flawless performance and reliability in different track layouts and weather conditions. Brundle argued that if this level of dominance was seen in other sports, it would be widely celebrated. He expressed surprise and disappointment at Hamilton and Wolff’s remarks, considering the respect they received during their years of domination. Brundle also acknowledged that Red Bull’s own actions and comments have affected the perception of their success. Nonetheless, he attributed such dynamics to the intense competition in Formula 1.

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