Quartararo Makes Waves with Potential MotoGP Team Moves

Quartararo Makes Waves with Potential MotoGP Team Moves

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Quartararo had "initial contacts" with other MotoGP teams

At the age of 24, Quartararo is currently in his sixth season in MotoGP, where he claimed the title in 2021, always riding a Yamaha. Despite demands for improvements for the past two years due to Ducati’s dominance, Yamaha’s response has not been immediate. Quartararo, whose contract with Yamaha ends in 2024, expressed desperation last year due to the M1 bike’s lack of speed and performance in low-grip conditions. Yamaha has shown commitment by hiring former Ducati engineers, hoping to bridge the gap and retain Quartararo. Despite initial contacts with other brands, Quartararo will give Yamaha a chance to make further improvements before deciding on his future. Yamaha’s newfound aggressiveness has pleased Quartararo, who remains hopeful for the upcoming season’s challenges and changes.

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