Norris expands on back issues aggravated by current F1 cars

Norris expands on back issues aggravated by current F1 cars

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Norris expands on back issues aggravated by current F1 cars

Last year, F1 introduced ground-effect-based cars that were set up very stiff to generate maximum downforce. However, this setup unintentionally caused bouncing on most cars, leaving drivers in discomfort and experiencing back problems. Lando Norris of McLaren revealed that he was in constant pain last year and had to do extra work with the team and his trainer to alleviate his back issues for this year. Norris has to stretch before every session and has had to make adjustments like getting new seats to help. These recurring issues have also affected his training and limited activities like track walks and golf. McLaren is monitoring the situation and working with Norris to find a solution, but there are limitations to what they can do in terms of seating position.

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