Bortoleto’s meteoric rise: F3 champion set to dominate F2 with Virtuosi

Bortoleto’s meteoric rise: F3 champion set to dominate F2 with Virtuosi

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F3 champion Bortoleto graduates to F2 with Virtuosi

Gabriel Bortoleto, the reigning F3 champion, will be joining McLaren’s Driver Development Programme and moving up to Formula 2 for the 2024 season. Bortoleto impressed everyone with his consistency and deserved championship victory in his rookie F3 campaign. He has already visited McLaren’s base in Norfolk and has become a part of the team. Bortoleto’s goal is to aim for the best positions for the team and continue his personal growth as a driver. He will be joined at McLaren by Kush Maini, who had a solid debut season in Formula 2 and will be looking to improve as a racing driver with the team. Virtuosi, McLaren’s Formula 2 team, had a successful 2023 season, winning the final round in Abu Dhabi and finishing second in the teams’ standings.

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