Securing the Future: F1 Strikes Historic 10-Year Deal, Ensuring the Thrilling Japanese Grand Prix Lives on at Suzuka

Securing the Future: F1 Strikes Historic 10-Year Deal, Ensuring the Thrilling Japanese Grand Prix Lives on at Suzuka

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

F1 agrees deal for Japanese GP to stay at Suzuka until 2029

The news of the contract extension for the Suzuka circuit is a relief for drivers and fans who were concerned about the series moving away from its traditional venues. Many races have secured their spots on the calendar well into the future, but Suzuka was one of the few remaining races with an uncertain future. The new contract, although not as long as some others, ensures that the British Grand Prix will remain on the schedule for at least the next five years. This deal was expected, especially considering Honda’s commitment to Aston Martin as a power unit partner starting in 2026. The Suzuka circuit has made efforts to upgrade and has also organized successful fan events, strengthening its relationship with Formula 1. This agreement also reduces the possibility of a street event in Osaka, as it is unlikely that Formula 1 will have two races in such close proximity.

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