Brown: "Empowering" Stella leads by example at McLaren F1 team

Brown: "Empowering" Stella leads by example at McLaren F1 team

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Brown: "Empowering" Stella leads by example at McLaren F1 team

Andrea Stella took over as McLaren’s F1 team principal after Andreas Seidl’s departure to join Sauber and oversee their transition to becoming the Audi works team in 2026. Since then, Stella has made significant improvements to McLaren’s position in the F1 pecking order and restructured the car design technical department. McLaren CEO Zak Brown praised Stella’s outstanding job, highlighting his ability to create a positive culture, empower people, and lead effectively. Stella’s strength lies in his excellent communication and listening skills, as well as his talent for considering different perspectives. He challenges and supports team decisions, stepping in only when necessary. Despite his soft demeanor, Stella is tough, demanding, and fair, leading by example. He is known for his clear and concise communication style, both with the media and within the team.

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