Revolutionizing Safety: Formula E’s Innovative Approach to Preventing Driver Hand Injuries

Revolutionizing Safety: Formula E's Innovative Approach to Preventing Driver Hand Injuries

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Formula E has been secretly testing steering system modifications to try to end the run of hand injuries among its drivers. Sam Smith has got the full lowdown

Multiple manufacturers, including Porsche, Nissan, and Jaguar, have tested modified steering systems in private testing at Varano, Italy, to protect drivers from hand injuries in Formula E. The damper-activated solution is aimed to slow motion and lighten forces on the steering wheel during impacts. Further testing is planned to finalize the slightly lighter and non-adjustable steering set-up for potential mandatory use in all cars by the Valencia pre-season tests in November. Additional measures, such as shaping the steering wheel to prevent hand trapping, are being considered to reduce the risk of injuries in Gen3 competition. The FIA is also working on improving cockpit clearance, introducing larger front wings, and developing specific gloves to enhance driver safety. In the previous season, extra padding in monocoques and MotoGP-style gloves with inserts were used as voluntary measures to prevent hand injuries. Despite extensive analysis, the root cause of the hand injuries in Formula E remains unclear to the FIA.

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