More Andretti pushback as Stroll says F1 should stay at 10 teams

More Andretti pushback as Stroll says F1 should stay at 10 teams

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More Andretti pushback as Stroll says F1 should stay at 10 teams

Aston Martin team co-owner Lawrence Stroll believes that Formula 1 should remain with 10 teams, despite Andretti’s approval to join the championship. Andretti’s bid was the only one to make it to the next stage, but it still needs to clear commercial discussions before being allowed on the grid. Stroll, who saved the Force India team and now owns Aston Martin, stated that he believes F1’s current model is working well and doesn’t need any changes. He pointed to the growth of F1 in the United States, with three races on the calendar and an existing US team, as evidence that the sport is thriving. Stroll sees substantial growth possibilities, especially in the US, which he considers the largest consumer market in the world.

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Source: The Race

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