Flying High to a Sudden Halt: The Shocking Termination of Red Bull Driver Contract

Flying High to a Sudden Halt: The Shocking Termination of Red Bull Driver Contract

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Red Bull has terminated its relationship with junior driver Kacper Sztuka after just seven months and four rounds of the FIA F3 season.

Red Bull has terminated their contract with FIA Formula 3 driver Kacper Sztuka just four rounds into the current season. Sztuka, who races for MP Motorsport, confirmed the termination of the deal. Even though he had joined Red Bull’s driver academy in November 2023 after winning the Italian Formula 4 title, the partnership has been cut short. Despite this development, Sztuka assured fans that his departure from the Red Bull program would not impact his ongoing season with MP Motorsport. He remains determined to compete in all upcoming rounds of the FIA Formula 3 Championship and continue his development as a driver.

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