Perez’s Monaco Mishap: Red Bull’s Pricey Pitfall

Perez's Monaco Mishap: Red Bull's Pricey Pitfall

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Helmut Marko has revealed the multi-million dollar cost of Sergio Perez’s Monaco Grand Prix crash.

Dr. Helmut Marko estimates that Sergio Perez’s crash at the Monaco Grand Prix, which also destroyed the Red Bull team’s car, will amount to a cost of up to three million dollars. Perez was pushed into starting 16th after a disappointing qualification, which saw him move up from 18th due to disqualifications. During Lap 1’s ascent up the hill, Kevin Magnussen’s attempt to overtake Perez led to a high-speed collision, severely damaging the car’s suspension. The subsequent red flag delay for barrier repairs drew criticism from Perez towards Magnussen, but stewards chose not to further investigate the incident. Marko emphasized the financial strain of such accidents under the budget cap rules, highlighting the unpredictable nature of race incidents that teams have little control over.

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