USF Pro 2000 champion Myles Rowe and Force Indy's Rod Reid

USF Pro 2000 champion Myles Rowe and Force Indy's Rod Reid

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USF Pro 2000 champion Myles Rowe and Force Indy's Rod Reid

Following their historic victory at Portland International Raceway, Myles Rowe, the newly crowned USF Pro 2000 champion sponsored by Cooper Tires, and Rod Reid, the director of Force Indy, join RACER’s Marshall Pruett. Together, they discuss the incredible journey that led them to this momentous achievement. From their successful partnership with Pabst Racing to the hard work and dedication they put into shaping their respective careers, Rowe and Reid share their insights on what it takes to succeed in the competitive world of racing. To watch their full interview, click HERE on YouTube.

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