Blaney’s Dominance Surprises in Iowa: Two Tires or Four, Byron Left Searching for Answers

Blaney's Dominance Surprises in Iowa: Two Tires or Four, Byron Left Searching for Answers

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

William Byron had the better tires at the end of Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Iowa Speedway but still came up short to Ryan Blaney. It was the two tires versus four tires call that prevailed.…

William Byron had the better tires at the end of Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Iowa Speedway, but still came up short to Ryan Blaney. The two tires versus four tires call prevailed, with Blaney’s team opting for two tires on the final pit stop under the lap 260 caution. Despite coming off pit road sixth with four tires, Byron could not catch Blaney, who led for 201 laps. Byron acknowledged that Blaney was probably the best car on the track and was not surprised that two tires beat four. While Byron moved into second place quickly after the restart, he was unable to challenge for the lead or the win, citing struggles with tire wear and track conditions throughout the race. Despite the challenges, Byron expressed pride in his team’s performance and the need for more consistent runs in future races.

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