Taylor’s Triumph: Dominating USF2000 with a Podium Sweep at Road America

Taylor's Triumph: Dominating USF2000 with a Podium Sweep at Road America

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Max Taylor swept his second podium of the weekend in the Elite Engines Grand Prix of Road America double-header. Only this time the VRD Racing driver from Hoboken, N.J. went two steps better to cla…

Max Taylor earned his second win of the season at the Elite Engines Grand Prix of Road America double-header. He started from pole position and led the entire race, fending off a challenge from Michael Costello. Costello finished second, claiming his first USF2000 podium, while Joey Brienza rounded out the top three. Despite some schedule reshuffling due to weather, the race unfolded smoothly with Taylor dominating the field. The next race will take place at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course on July 6-7, where the USF2000 field will have another chance to shine.

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