Revolutionary Upgrades: VCARB Unleashes Impressive New Additions, Led by Mekies

Revolutionary Upgrades: VCARB Unleashes Impressive New Additions, Led by Mekies

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Visa Cash App RB team principal Laurent Mekies believes the hiring of three experienced senior personnel will help take the team to the next level in Formula 1. Mekies himself has only started work…

Laurent Mekies, team principal of Visa Cash App RB, believes that the hiring of three experienced senior personnel will elevate the team’s performance in Formula 1. Tim Goss, the former FIA technical director and McLaren chief technical officer, will join as the new chief technical officer in October. Guillaume Cattelani, a former engineer from Red Bull, McLaren, and Lotus, is also joining the technical team, along with Alan Permane, who will take on the role of racing director. Mekies expresses confidence that these appointments will enhance the team’s capabilities and meet the highest technical standards both at the factory and on the track. Visa Cash App RB CEO Peter Bayer sees these additions as vital for the team’s future structure and long-term success. While Cattelani and Permane will start immediately, Goss will begin his role in October due to FIA regulations regarding the movement of members to team positions.

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