Diving Deep Into the Racing World with Elivan and Ethan Goulart: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Episode 168 of SCCA

Diving Deep Into the Racing World with Elivan and Ethan Goulart: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Episode 168 of SCCA

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On episode 168 of Inside the SCCA, we connect with the father-son duo of Elivan and Ethan Goulart. Elivan is a four-time SCCA National Champion and Ethan is following in dad’s footsteps. Toda…

Episode 168 of Inside the SCCA features Elivan and Ethan Goulart, a father-son duo with impressive racing credentials. Elivan, a four-time SCCA National Champion, has inspired Ethan to pursue a similar path in motorsport. The episode celebrates fathers who pass on their love for racing to the next generation, a tradition that has shaped many current SCCA participants. To listen to the podcast, click the provided link, or watch it on YouTube by clicking another provided link.

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