Spa to remain on F1 calendar in 2025 after one-year extension

Spa to remain on F1 calendar in 2025 after one-year extension

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Spa to remain on F1 calendar in 2025 after one-year extension

The Belgian Grand Prix at Spa-Francorchamps has been extended until 2025, ensuring its place on the Formula 1 calendar. Despite concerns about its vulnerability due to other lucrative flyaway events and the impact of the Dutch GP, which began in 2021, the race has continued to attract large crowds. The 2023 race saw a weekend attendance of 380,000, boosted by extra grandstand capacity. The venue has also undergone major upgrades and expanded its entertainment offerings. F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali emphasized the importance of Spa and praised the promoter and the Government of Wallonia for their support.

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Source: motorsport

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