Esteban Ocon Criticizes Proposed F1 Points System as a Temporary Fix

Esteban Ocon Criticizes Proposed F1 Points System as a Temporary Fix

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Mooted F1 points system like "putting a plaster on a big cut" – Ocon reported that discussions are underway among the FIA, FOM, and F1 teams regarding the potential expansion of points-scoring positions up to 12th place in races. This adjustment would significantly reduce the number of cars not scoring points. While Alpine’s Esteban Ocon believes the new system is a temporary fix for the distance between midfield and top teams, he acknowledges it could benefit the current situation. Haas driver Kevin Magnussen supports the idea, even suggesting awarding points to all drivers to enhance competitiveness throughout the field. Sauber’s Valtteri Bottas also backs the change, particularly as his team faces challenges, emphasizing the importance of increased competition in Formula 1.

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