Hamilton Battles Understeer in China: A Formula 1 Masterclass in Adaptability

Hamilton Battles Understeer in China: A Formula 1 Masterclass in Adaptability
Image source: motorsport
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Hamilton "never had so much understeer in my life" in China F1 GP

Following a strong second place finish in Saturday morning’s sprint race, Lewis Hamilton had to mount a recovery effort starting from 18th on the starting grid. Despite struggling with understeer on his soft tires, he managed to improve his position to 15th before switching to the medium compound. Hamilton initially thought his car had sustained damage due to excessive understeer, but realized it was a setup issue he had chosen. He acknowledged that better setup decisions could have placed him closer to where George Russell finished in sixth. Despite a challenging race, Hamilton managed to finish ninth after passing a few midfield drivers and benefitting from the clash between Stroll and Ricciardo. Looking ahead to the Miami Grand Prix, Hamilton hopes for upgrades that will strengthen Mercedes’ competitive position against Ferrari and McLaren. On the other hand, Russell, who finished sixth, expressed satisfaction with his performance given the struggles to keep up with the Ferraris, aiming to continue improving the car’s performance for future races.

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