Revving Up Innovation: Binotto Takes the Wheel of Cutting-Edge E-Powertrain Project

Revving Up Innovation: Binotto Takes the Wheel of Cutting-Edge E-Powertrain Project

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Former Ferrari F1 boss Binotto to head new e-powertrain project

Binotto left Ferrari at the end of the 2022 season and has since remained relatively quiet. Despite opportunities in F1 with Alpine and Audi, he has opted to focus on the automotive industry and has recently been appointed as the managing director of TEXA. TEXA, a well-known Italian company specializing in vehicle diagnostic tools and electronic technologies for automotive, has now placed Binotto in charge of its E-Powertrain division. This division is dedicated to producing new automotive components for electric vehicles, with a particular focus on high-performance sportscars. Binotto expressed his excitement for the strategic vision of TEXA to become a global leader in advanced automotive technologies, while TEXA founder Bruno Vianello welcomed Binotto’s expertise from Formula 1 and emphasized the company’s commitment to achieving significant advancements in the automotive market.

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