Controversy Strikes: Colapinto Disqualified from F2 Feature Race Despite Hadjar Appeal Failure

Controversy Strikes: Colapinto Disqualified from F2 Feature Race Despite Hadjar Appeal Failure

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Colapinto disqualified from F2 feature race as Hadjar appeal fails

Colapinto won the Sunday feature race in seventh place, but got disqualified due to not engaging the start set-up procedure as required by regulations. This led to him losing six points, leaving him at P13 in the championship standings with a total of 13 points. Hadjar performed well at Albert Park but received a 10-second penalty for causing a crash with his Campos teammate Marti in the sprint race. Despite Campos Racing’s appeals presenting evidence, the stewards dismissed the appeal based on various reasons including the timing of the petition and the significance of the presented evidence. The stewards found that the evidence provided did not meet the high bar required to overturn the initial decision.

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