The Rise of Andretti F1: Unveiling the Prospects, Possibilities, and Potential Drivers

The Rise of Andretti F1: Unveiling the Prospects, Possibilities, and Potential Drivers

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Andretti F1 team: When could it join, who could drive and more

Andretti Cadillac has been approved by the FIA to enter Formula 1 after a seven-month process of due diligence, making it the only one of the seven entities to be accepted. The FIA is satisfied that the American team has the financial and technical resources to compete in F1 for the long term. However, Andretti now needs to reach a deal with FOM, F1’s commercial rights holder, which is proving to be a bigger challenge. Existing teams are against Andretti joining as it would mean sharing the prize pool and decrease their slice of the revenue. The teams are pushing for the $200 million anti-dilution fee to be tripled as they want to protect their overall value. Andretti believes it will bring in additional revenue through sponsorship and marketing, but its partnership with Cadillac and F1’s desire to attract more OEMs is a concern. The arrival of Andretti on the grid is still uncertain.

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Source: motorsport

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