Breaking News: Alpine Team Stands Firm, Denies F1 Test for Rising Star Mick Schumacher

Breaking News: Alpine Team Stands Firm, Denies F1 Test for Rising Star Mick Schumacher

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Alpine rules out F1 test for Mick Schumacher

Mick Schumacher has joined Alpine to race its A424 Hypercar this year, aiming to return to top-line competition after a season on the sidelines as Mercedes F1 reserve. Despite continuing reserve duties in 2024, discussions of him driving an Alpine F1 car have been dismissed by team principal Bruno Famin. Famin clarified that Schumacher’s contract with Alpine is exclusively for sportscar racing, with any additional F1 running to be done by reserve driver Jack Doohan. Schumacher still eyes an F1 return and his relationship with Alpine could open doors should Ocon or Gasly depart at the end of the season. Famin stated that the team is content with their current lineup and will take their time in deciding the 2025 driver roster. No pressure or rush exists to make a decision, with Famin expressing satisfaction with their drivers.

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