Wolff Predicts F1 Dominance Shift with 2026 Engines: Who Will Be Left on the Back Foot?

Wolff Predicts F1 Dominance Shift with 2026 Engines: Who Will Be Left on the Back Foot?

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Mercedes Formula 1 Team Principal Toto Wolff suspects that some teams in the paddock could be “on the back foot” regarding 2026 engine development. The 2026 F1 power units will see the introduction of 100% sustainable fuels, the removal of the MGU-H system and a greater reliance on electrification. As a result, the forthcoming power […]

The 2026 F1 power units will feature 100% sustainable fuels, the elimination of the MGU-H system, and a heavier reliance on electrification. This will result in a power split of 50/50 between internal combustion and electrical engine components. Some teams are likely to fare better than others in adapting to the changes, prompting calls for revision in the regulations. Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff stated that while adjustments may be needed in the chassis side, the engine development process is too advanced to modify. Despite concerns raised by some regarding the chassis and aerodynamic regulations, the FIA believes in collaboration among engine manufacturers and is confident in discussions around the 2026 power units. Mercedes, historically strong in hybrid power unit eras, is poised to maintain its competitive edge in 2026, and the team remains optimistic about its engine’s performance.

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