Sauber Holds Firm Against Transition Rumors, Staying Focused on F1 Glory

Sauber Holds Firm Against Transition Rumors, Staying Focused on F1 Glory

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Sauber has contended that it would be a “mistake” to attribute its uncompetitive standing in the current campaign to the Formula 1 side’s transition into Audi in 2026. The Hinwil-based squad’s on-track activities have been overshadowed this term by its impending evolution into a works Audi entrant upon the next regulation change. Sauber has endured […]

Sauber, based in Hinwil, has faced challenges this season as their C44 car hasn’t been competitive enough to earn any points in the first nine races. Team Representative Alessandro Alunni Bravi acknowledged the team has fallen behind its rivals in the midfield due to development issues. Although Valtteri Bottas suggested Audi’s expansion might be hindering Sauber’s progress, Alunni Bravi denied any division within the team. He emphasized that efforts to prepare for becoming a works Audi team must not interfere with the current season’s performance. The team is focused on addressing weaknesses and improving its structure, with a view to building a strong foundation for the future. Audi’s full takeover of Sauber Group in March aims to provide the necessary investment for the team to progress effectively.

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