Behind the Scenes: Ricciardo Opens Up About the Clutch Issue at Canada F1 Race

Behind the Scenes: Ricciardo Opens Up About the Clutch Issue at Canada F1 Race

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RB’s Daniel Ricciardo has revealed that a clutch problem was behind the jump start in Formula 1’s Canadian Grand Prix that saw him hit with a five-second time drop. Ricciardo became the first driver to be punished under the FIA’s clampdown on jump starts as his car was deemed to have moved “before the start […]

Daniel Ricciardo was given a five-second penalty for a jump start due to a technical issue with his car’s clutch, dropping him to 10th place. Despite struggles during the race, he managed to climb back to 8th and scored his first points of the season. Ricciardo expressed satisfaction with his performance, emphasizing the challenges faced during the weekend. He acknowledged the need to improve in future races but was pleased with the overall outcome. Ricciardo’s perseverance paid off, allowing him to end the weekend on a positive note and silence his critics.

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