Checo Perez Predicts Midfield Team to Shine in Monaco Grand Prix

Checo Perez Predicts Midfield Team to Shine in Monaco Grand Prix

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Red Bull driver Sergio Perez has tipped a team from outside the leading group to end up “in the mix” at the front across this weekend’s Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix. Although this campaign has seen the top five teams from last season continue to retain an edge over the rest, the margins over a […]

Despite the top five teams from last season maintaining an edge, the margins over a single lap have been minimal, as witnessed by Lewis Hamilton’s elimination in Q1 in China last month. Monaco’s street track configuration can pose challenges and provide opportunities for less-fancied teams to shine. Esteban Ocon’s podium finish last year for Alpine in Monaco showcased the unpredictability of the circuit. Sergio Perez believes a surprise podium finish for a team outside the usual favorites is possible this weekend. Red Bull faces stiffer competition from Ferrari and McLaren, signaling a more competitive season. Perez acknowledges the need for Red Bull to match their rivals’ pace and anticipates an exciting battle among the top teams. Overtaking difficulties in Monaco emphasize the importance of a strong qualifying performance for success in the race.

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