Mercedes Accelerates Towards F1 Dominance with Cutting-Edge Upgrades

Mercedes Accelerates Towards F1 Dominance with Cutting-Edge Upgrades

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Mercedes aims to bring upgrades to its 2024 Formula 1 car “at a pace that the others cannot keep up with” amid the team’s return to form at the Canadian Grand Prix. The German marque’s underwhelming opening to the current campaign was dispelled in Montreal as its W15 car came alive and upheld genuine race-winning […]

The Mercedes team showed an impressive performance in Montreal, with George Russell securing pole position, but being disappointed with his errors leading to a third-place finish, while Lewis Hamilton recovered to fourth after starting seventh. Mercedes Technical Director James Allison expressed satisfaction with the team’s improved performance and attributed their revival to a revised front wing introduced in Monaco. Despite the success in Canada, there is a cautious approach regarding future races as Mercedes may not be as strong on more conventional circuits. Allison emphasized the team’s commitment to aggressive updates to stay competitive and lead the development race. The team remains optimistic about their progress and aims to continue improving the car’s performance in the upcoming races.

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