McLaughlin collecting advice from multiple Indy 500 winners

McLaughlin collecting advice from multiple Indy 500 winners

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Scott McLaughlin is starting the 108th Indianapolis 500 from the pole position, and he will need to call on all of his skills to stay up front in the most important event of the season. McLaughlin has plenty of skills from his own career to look to, including three championships in Australian Supercars and five […]

Scott McLaughlin, an accomplished Supercars driver with three championships to his name, is now delving into IndyCar racing, where he has already secured five race wins in just three years. Despite his success, he continues to seek advice and mentorship from past champions, such as the 2019 Indy 500 winner Simon Pagenaud. Pagenaud’s role as McLaughlin’s advisor was confirmed when he was spotted at the Team Penske pit box, exchanging notes and insights with the eager newcomer. Additionally, McLaughlin benefits from a close relationship with legendary four-time Indy 500 winner Rick Mears, who has been mentoring him since his entrance into IndyCar last year. Surrounded by such experienced figures and the comprehensive resources provided by Team Penske, McLaughlin is poised to make his mark as a potential Indy 500 victor.

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