Drivers Lambast Misano ‘Carnage’ as Hughes Expresses Displeasure

Drivers Lambast Misano 'Carnage' as Hughes Expresses Displeasure

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

NEOM McLaren’s Jake Hughes told Motorsport Week that he is sure his fellow FIA Formula E drivers were not fans

The Englishman displayed impressive speed throughout the weekend, qualifying in fourth place on Saturday, only to be disqualified due to an unarmed fire extinguisher, ultimately finishing the race in 13th position. Despite the setback, Hughes made a strong comeback on Sunday, securing pole position but ending the race in eighth after a five-second penalty. Reflecting on the race weekend, Hughes acknowledged the unpredictable nature of Formula E, stating that starting positions don’t guarantee a top finish due to the chaotic races. Hughes pointed out the challenging features of the Misano circuit compared to previous races, noting the stricter track limits and narrow racing lines. Looking ahead to the upcoming Monaco E-Prix, Hughes expressed confidence in his performance potential, drawing on his experience from the previous year’s race where he also started from pole position.

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