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Aston Martin Managing Director for Commercial and Marketing Jefferson Slack has explained how the Silverstone-based Formula 1 team is enjoying a rapid rate of growth with new partners.
In 2024, Aston Martin Formula 1 team experienced a decline on the track, scoring 186 fewer points compared to the previous year. Despite this setback, Aston Martin managed to significantly expand its sponsorship portfolio during late 2024, welcoming Puma, Xerox, and Glenfiddich as new partners. This trend continued into 2025 with the addition of trading partner Pepperstone, AI partner Arm, and logistics partner Atlas Air. Aston Martin’s Chief Commercial Officer, Stephen Slack, highlighted the attractiveness of Formula 1 as a platform for global marketeers, emphasizing the growth opportunities and the enduring appeal of the Aston Martin brand. Slack pointed out the team’s exceptional treatment of partners, innovative content approach, and successful partnerships with companies like Aramco and Glenfiddich as key factors driving commercial success for Aston Martin.