Flying high in Shanghai: Bird set to soar in thrilling double-header

Flying high in Shanghai: Bird set to soar in thrilling double-header
Image source: Motorsport Week
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NEOM McLaren have announced that Sam Bird will return to the team for this weekend’s Shanghai E-Prix double-header. Bird fractured a bone in his left hand during FP1 for the Monaco E-Prix last month, ruling him out of that and the Berlin rounds of the championship. The team’s reserve driver, and current FIA Formula 2 […]

Bird suffered a fractured bone in his left hand during FP1 for the Monaco E-Prix last month, forcing him to miss that race and the Berlin rounds as well. Taylor Barnard, McLaren’s reserve driver and current FIA Formula 2 competitor, filled in for Bird and achieved point-scoring finishes in Berlin. McLaren’s Team Principal, Ian James, stated that Bird’s hand was recovering well after surgery and would return for the Shanghai E-Prix when cleared. James expressed satisfaction with Bird’s dedication to recovery and confidence in his fitness for the upcoming race. Bird aims to build on his strong performances from Season 10, including his memorable last-lap victory in São Paulo.

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