FIA chief admits rule failings as Horner reveals ‘troubled waters’ with DEMANDING Verstappen – GPFans F1 Recap

FIA chief admits rule failings as Horner reveals 'troubled waters' with DEMANDING Verstappen - GPFans F1 Recap

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FIA chief admits rule failings as Horner reveals ‘troubled waters’ with DEMANDING Verstappen – GPFans F1 Recap

This admission comes after years of criticism from fans and teams alike. Changes are now being considered to improve the sport. The goal is to make Formula 1 more competitive and exciting for everyone involved. The hope is that these changes will bring back the thrill and unpredictability that fans love about the sport. It remains to be seen what adjustments will be made and how they will impact future seasons. Formula 1 is constantly evolving, and this latest development is just part of that ongoing process.

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