Russell has “zero hard feelings” about Mercedes ‘instruction’

Russell has “zero hard feelings” about Mercedes ‘instruction’

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Russell has “zero hard feelings” about Mercedes ‘instruction’

During the race at Suzuka, George Russell was instructed by Mercedes to let teammate Lewis Hamilton pass him as they were battling for fifth place with Carlos Sainz. Initially, Russell questioned the call and suggested a different strategy but the team insisted on the position swap. Russell accepted the team order, understanding the importance of securing P2 in the constructors’ championship and recognizing that Hamilton has a better chance of fighting for a higher position in the drivers’ championship. Russell had no hard feelings towards the team and acknowledged that the decision was made in the best interest of the team’s goals. He also praised Hamilton for their hard but fair battle on the track, seeing it as part of racing.

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Source: Crash

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