Russell “a good boy on the radio” due to Hamilton’s status in Mercedes

Russell “a good boy on the radio” due to Hamilton’s status in Mercedes
Image source: Crash
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Russell “a good boy on the radio” due to Hamilton’s status in Mercedes

There is a clear hierarchy within the Mercedes team, with Lewis Hamilton as the seven-time world champion holding the top position, and George Russell being the understudy. Russell has shown great speed and has been able to challenge Hamilton on certain occasions, but he handles the situations in a polite and British manner. However, it is evident that inside the car, Russell may feel frustrated and angry. Despite this, he knows his place within the team and respects Hamilton’s status. Russell’s performance relative to Hamilton has been impressive since joining Mercedes, with him even surpassing Hamilton in the championship standings last year. It will be fascinating to see how this battle between Russell and Hamilton unfolds in the coming years, as Russell continues to develop as a driver and Hamilton approaches the end of his career.

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Source: Crash

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