Esteban Ocon’s Apology: Reflecting on a Fortunate Escape and Respecting F1 Fans

Esteban Ocon says it is “not acceptable” that F1 fans saw just eight minutes of track action before being thrown out ahead of second practice at the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

The second practice session was significantly delayed after the opening session was abandoned due to a loose water valve incident involving Carlos Sainz from Ferrari. Fans waited for hours hoping to see some action, but they were asked to leave the grandstands shortly before the session finally started. Esteban Ocon expressed his sympathy for the fans who spent money on tickets, only to be removed for “logical considerations.” He hoped that they would make up for it in the next day’s show. Ocon himself suffered car damage when he ran over a dislodged drain cover but considered himself lucky to have avoided a more serious accident. Daniel Ricciardo from AlphaTauri also sympathized with the fans and acknowledged that the situation was difficult but didn’t want to criticize the sport, recognizing that it was a challenging project.

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