Mercedes have ‘no doubt about Hamilton’s motivation’ to win again

Mercedes have ‘no doubt about Hamilton’s motivation’ to win again
Image source: Crash
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Mercedes have “no doubt” about Lewis Hamilton’s motivation and desire to get back to winning ways in F1.

After going two seasons without a race win, there are doubts about Hamilton’s hunger as a seven-time world champion. Mercedes aims to bounce back by introducing a revamped W15 car to challenge Red Bull, who have dominated recently. Mercedes technical director, James Allison, dismisses any suggestions that Hamilton’s motivation has diminished. He believes that all drivers on the grid are motivated and that winning is a compulsive need for successful drivers. Allison acknowledges that Hamilton’s motivation is strong, but the team’s success will rely more on the equipment they provide. Mercedes hopes to have resolved rear-end issues that affected their previous car. Hamilton’s role during the winter is to focus on his physical and mental condition and provide feedback to the team. Once the car is ready, the driver’s input becomes crucial.

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