Ogier Triumphs in WRC Croatia Thriller, Evans and Neuville Suffer Last Day Drama

Ogier Triumphs in WRC Croatia Thriller, Evans and Neuville Suffer Last Day Drama

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

WRC Croatia: Ogier victorious after final day drama for Evans, Neuville

Ogier and co-driver Vincent Landais emerged victorious in an action-packed Sunday, taking the lead after crashes from Hyundai’s Neuville and Toyota’s Evans in stage 18 of 20. Ogier secured his first win of the 2024 season, finishing 9.7s ahead of Evans and 45.9s ahead of Neuville. The battle for victory turned into a three-way fight on Friday, with Neuville initially leading until Evans and Ogier caught up. Despite tyre decisions playing a crucial role, Neuville managed to regain the lead on Saturday before errors on Sunday allowed Ogier to claim his 59th WRC victory. Evans and Neuville collected valuable points, with Tanak finishing fourth and Katsuta fifth in the rally.

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