Revving Up for Change: Pirelli Sparks Conversations with FIA and F1 Teams on Wet-Tyre Rule Reform

Revving Up for Change: Pirelli Sparks Conversations with FIA and F1 Teams on Wet-Tyre Rule Reform

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Pirelli seeks talks with FIA and F1 teams over flawed wet-tyre rule

Teams in the 2024 season were hesitant to use intermediate tyres during Suzuka’s damp FP2 session due to a new wet-weather rubber allocation system. This led to minimal track action, with drivers staying in the garage until late in the session when conditions permitted slick tires. Seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton expressed frustration over the situation, referring to the changes in tyre rules triggering the lack of running in FP2. The modification to the F1 sporting regulations saw an increase in rain tyre allocation but removed the free tyre set for wet Fridays, impacting teams’ tyre strategy. Pirelli’s chief engineer, Simone Berra, highlighted the need for discussions with the FIA and teams to find solutions that encourage running in damp practice sessions. One proposed solution is to make it mandatory for teams to return one set of intermediates after a wet session to incentivize usage and ensure competitive tyre allocations for all teams.

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