Expose and Elevate: Insights from F1 Rivalries Illuminate Alpine’s Potential

Expose and Elevate: Insights from F1 Rivalries Illuminate Alpine's Potential

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Ocon: Racing F1 rivals showed Alpine weaknesses

After struggling in Bahrain and Jeddah, Alpine showed slight improvement in the latter race where Esteban Ocon finished 12th after starting 17th on the grid. Ocon acknowledged that the race was more of an opportunistic one due to certain circumstances that favored him. He felt that the car’s performance was still not up to par with competitors and highlighted the need for significant improvements. Despite gaining positions, Ocon expressed that they were still behind on pace in normal situations. Ocon also commented on Kevin Magnussen’s tactics, acknowledging their impact on the race. Looking ahead, he emphasized the team’s focus on finding solutions and pushing for better performance in upcoming races.

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