Marquez Conquers Qatar MotoGP Track with Ducati, Turning Nightmare into Triumph

Marquez Conquers Qatar MotoGP Track with Ducati, Turning Nightmare into Triumph

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Marquez: Qatar MotoGP track no longer a ‘nightmare’ on Ducati

Six-time MotoGP world champion Marc Marquez made his Ducati race debut in Qatar, finishing fifth after starting sixth for Gresini Racing. Despite a late mistake, Marquez felt he achieved his pre-season goal of being competitive in the top six. His strong performance in Qatar has reinforced his belief that leaving Honda was the right decision for him, making his current form less stressful. Marquez expressed his satisfaction with racing a Ducati, finding it easier to overtake on straights and feeling more competitive. Although still adjusting to the Ducati from his Honda instincts, Marquez controlled himself better in the sprint and looks forward to continuing to fight for top positions.

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