Hamilton’s Brave Acknowledgement: Reflecting on Russell’s Impact Amid Mercedes’ Turning Point

Hamilton's Brave Acknowledgement: Reflecting on Russell's Impact Amid Mercedes' Turning Point

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Lewis Hamilton does not believe he will beat team-mate George Russell in their qualifying head-to-head this season, with the seven-time champion already 7-1 down. However, he is optimistic, with the W15 “feeling great”.

Lewis Hamilton acknowledged that he may struggle to outperform his teammate George Russell in qualifying for the remainder of the season, attributing this to Russell having an updated front wing. Despite Hamilton’s strong performance in FP2 and FP3 at the Monaco Grand Prix, he could only manage a seventh-place qualification, while Russell secured the fifth position. Hamilton admitted that he anticipates losing some pace in qualifying compared to Russell and doesn’t foresee being ahead of him in this aspect throughout the season. He expressed satisfaction with the team’s progress and improvements in car performance but emphasized that there is still a significant gap in pace that needs to be closed by continuous development and upgrades. Hamilton sees the Monaco Grand Prix as a positive step for the team, yet he remains aware that their performance levels might differ in other circuits due to the unique nature of the Monaco track.

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