Defying Speed Limits: Infraction-Filled Valencia Sprint Takes Toll on Riders’ Tyre Pressures

Defying Speed Limits: Infraction-Filled Valencia Sprint Takes Toll on Riders’ Tyre Pressures

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Three riders were found to be below the minimum tyre pressure during Saturday’s Valencia MotoGP Sprint, with two of them receiving post-race time penalties.

“The trio of Fabio di Giannantonio, Luca Marini, and Franco Morbidelli finished behind their title rivals Jorge Martin and Francesco Bagnaia. Fortunately, this means that their points situation remains unchanged for the upcoming world championship showdown on Sunday. Di Giannantonio received an Official Warning for his first offence, while Marini and Morbidelli were penalized with a 3-second time penalty as it was their second low-pressure offence. However, since they were already outside of the points, the penalty doesn’t affect their positions. These low-pressure infringements are the first to be observed in a Sprint race, which raises concerns about possible penalties in the important title decider on Sunday.”

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