Crunching the Numbers: Ferrari’s F1 Upgrade Dilemma with Gary Anderson

Crunching the Numbers: Ferrari's F1 Upgrade Dilemma with Gary Anderson

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Ferrari’s new Formula 1 front wing appears to include one definitive positive step but another that could lead to a bit of head-scratching, as Gary Anderson explains

Ferrari introduced a new front wing for the Formula 1 car at the Singapore Grand Prix, which serves both as a general upgrade and specifically targets the high-downforce demands of the Marina Bay circuit. The design optimizes airflow crucial for the rest of the car, impacting various components like the underfloor, sidepod undercut, radiator duct, and sidepod’s leading edge. The new front wing has positives regarding outwash generation while maintaining a lower outwash, enhancing airflow consistency and reducing tire drag. However, changes to the rear flap trailing edge profile may introduce challenges in airflow consistency and downforce production, especially at lower speeds. Ferrari’s attempt to increase front load with a Gurney flap along the modified trailing edge highlights the team’s ongoing pursuit of aerodynamic enhancements for improved performance, particularly at low speeds.

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