Formula 1: Ricciardo and Tsunoda Consider Extended Stays with Red Bull as Perez Secures Contract Extension

Formula 1: Ricciardo and Tsunoda Consider Extended Stays with Red Bull as Perez Secures Contract Extension

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Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda are both accepting of Red Bull’s decision to extend Sergio Perez’s contract, despite it appearing to end their hopes of replacing him. Perez will remain with…

Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda have accepted Red Bull’s decision to extend Sergio Perez’s contract, recognizing that it affects their chances of joining the team. Perez signed a two-year extension, ensuring a stable Red Bull lineup with Max Verstappen. Ricciardo acknowledges that he needs to improve his performance to be considered for future opportunities with the team. He remains focused on delivering better results and hopes to continue with Red Bull. Tsunoda also remains committed to staying with Red Bull, despite interest from other teams, emphasizing the importance of ongoing performance and proving himself within the team. Both drivers emphasize their willingness to work hard and improve to secure their future in Formula 1.

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