The Tug of War: Morbidelli reflects on Marquez tow incident and questions sportsmanship

The Tug of War: Morbidelli reflects on Marquez tow incident and questions sportsmanship

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Franco Morbidelli has shared his view on the increasing “moments of disrespect” in today’s MotoGP after a towing incident with Marc Marquez.

During the Malaysian MotoGP, Yamaha’s Morbidelli and Repsol Honda’s Marquez engaged in gamesmanship during Q1. Morbidelli was visibly annoyed as Marquez attempted to benefit from his slipstream. Both riders had a disappointing day, with Morbidelli finishing 11th and Marquez finishing 21st in the sprint race. Morbidelli expressed his thoughts on the changing dynamics of such tactics, stating that in the past, riders would respect each other’s wishes if they didn’t want to provide a slipstream. However, today’s MotoGP is different, with riders constantly looking for an advantage from the beginning. Morbidelli believed it was right not to let Marquez use his slipstream, as it could have jeopardized his own qualifying position. Although he didn’t demand a new rule, Morbidelli admitted he would have been upset if Marquez had eliminated him from Q1. Marquez’s response to the incident was dismissive, referring to the moment as funny for the championship.

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Forrás: Crash

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