Revving Up: How Vasseur Fueled Hamilton’s Ferrari F1 Move

Revving Up: How Vasseur Fueled Hamilton’s Ferrari F1 Move

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Hamilton: Ferrari F1 move wouldn’t have happened without Vasseur

Hamilton found success in the Frenchman’s ASM F3 team in 2005 and later moved on to GP2 with Vasseur’s ART GP outfit, winning the championship. In 2023, Vasseur joining Ferrari led to speculation about Hamilton possibly making the switch from Mercedes. Ultimately, Hamilton and Vasseur’s strong relationship influenced Hamilton’s decision to join Ferrari, straying from Mercedes after signing an initial contract. Hamilton expressed gratitude towards Vasseur and his excitement for the new opportunity at Ferrari, marking a new chapter in his career. The move to Ferrari, a childhood dream for Hamilton, represents a significant challenge and an opportunity to be a part of their rich racing history.

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