Who was the biggest disappointment from F1 testing?

Who was the biggest disappointment from F1 testing?

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

With F1 pre-season testing done and dusted, it’s time for you to have a say in the biggest disappointment from the three-day event.

“After three days of pre-season testing in Bahrain, some drivers and teams stood out more than others according to RacingNews365’s analysis of the event. The website highlighted the biggest disappointments of the test in a recent article, pinpointing teams and drivers who failed to deliver as expected. This analysis forms the basis of RacingNews365’s latest poll, inviting fans to vote for their top letdown from the testing period. Fans are prompted to consider Red Bull’s low amount of completed mileage or the uncertainty surrounding Jack Doohan’s upcoming rookie season. Share your opinion in the comments!”

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