Revolutionary Step Forward: Extreme E’s Hydrogen Car Achieves Milestone in FIA Safety Tests

Revolutionary Step Forward: Extreme E's Hydrogen Car Achieves Milestone in FIA Safety Tests

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The FIA Extreme E series has announced that its upcoming transition from electricity to hydrogen has taken a significant step ahead of next season’s first championship as Extreme H. The car, known as Pioneer 25, has passed all the mandatory chassis-based crash tests from the FIA, becoming the first-ever hydrogen-powered car to do so. Speaking […]

The car, named Pioneer 25, has successfully cleared all mandatory chassis-based crash tests set by the FIA, making it the first hydrogen-powered car to achieve this feat. Extreme E’s Technical Director, Mark Grain, expressed his satisfaction with the results, highlighting the significant collaboration with the FIA in defining and passing these stringent crash tests. The car’s chassis has been reinforced with carbon composite crash structures protecting the hydrogen tanks, ensuring safety during impacts. The high-pressure and low-pressure hydrogen systems were tested and remained stable throughout, indicating no damage. This milestone is a major achievement for hydrogen-powered racing cars. The successful crash tests have provided a much-needed boost to the championship, which is currently on hold with the cancellation of the Sardinia and Phoenix rounds. Alternative solutions are being explored to address this setback.

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