Albon Sees Williams as a Solution to Formula One’s Costly Dilemma

Albon Sees Williams as a Solution to Formula One's Costly Dilemma

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Alex Albon has insisted that Williams’ big problem currently is having an overweight car.

Alex Albon has highlighted that Williams is focusing on addressing the team’s weight issue with their development strategy for the FW46. Unlike in 2023, where Williams introduced one major upgrade package, in 2024, they are opting for a series of smaller upgrades throughout the season. The team faces the challenge of balancing weight reduction upgrades with aero enhancements, as both are financially costly endeavors. Williams is prioritizing weight improvements due to the performance gains it can offer, even though it comes at a high cost. With stable regulations expected in 2025, Williams aims to carry forward their developments from this season into the next to further boost their competitiveness. Albon emphasizes that achieving weight targets will be critical for the team’s progress and success in the upcoming seasons.

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